Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I don't know if anyone is reading this or if anyone will read this. I don't know if I will ever share this with anyone, but if you are reading this... welcome! I have always loved writing and used it as an escape. With every year, I gain stronger opinions and a growing desire to speak out. Every couple of years I make a new blog, but it always ends up being more of a personal venting place about my life. That is not my purpose for this one at all. This is to talk about the good, the important, and the bigger things in life. I feel like the internet is full of 20 something year old women whining about men, heartbreak, and all of those sappy sad quotes that we all have read so so many times. I don't want to be that. I don't want this blog to be that. I want this blog to be relevant, accessible, and since it is me... most likely a little sarcastic. In short, I want to write about and share the thoughts of a perfectly average young adult in an everchanging and crazy world.